The Crash Course

Laurie Miller's Thoughts

The Crash Course

Erotica & Pornography — what’s the difference



  1. What Distinguishes Erotica from Pornography?
    by Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D., in English and Psychology; a clinical psychologist and author of Paradoxical Strategies in Psychotherapy.

    • Basic argument = erotica appeals to emotions; porn appeals to base sex drives
    • Another layer to the argument =
      • erotica creators would still create it even if they did not get paid;
      •  pornography is primarily a money making venture
    • And another = attitude toward sex and human sexuality
      • erotica = subjects portrayed in a manner that celebrates and affirms human passion and vitality
      • pornography = subjects reduced to body parts; “sex depicted is depersonalized, controlling, non-mutual, and devoid of fun or play (seems focused on “getting down to business” and “getting off”)–and the sex acts pictured do not focus on human caring or emotional connectedness”

  2. EROTICA vs PORN: What is the difference? :PASSIONSCAPE by Hazel Mills
    • Same basic argument as Seltzer; written by an erotica author

  3. Erotica Versus Pornography from the Sexual Health Site blog written by Junon Macéus
    • “I think that pornography promotes a distorted view of sexuality.”
    • “the real issue may be what promotes healthy sexuality versus what depicts people as mere disposable sex objects”



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