The Crash Course

Laurie Miller's Thoughts

The Crash Course

The Passive Voice: The Gateway Drug to Grammar Instruction

Grammar needs to be taught in college English classes.

It needs to be taught in a taught in a different way

trained-sealthan most college instructors learned it, if they learned it –> and if they did, the most likely learned it as something to be “performed,” kind of like trained seals (actually trained sea lions … my training as a biologist mandates that I correctly identify this animal — pretty much a trained response in me). 

Proposed new ways

  1. Rhetorical grammar

  2. Functional Grammar

Theoretical Backing for rhetorical/functional/”performative” grammar

        • Judith Butler explains the performative


Example rhetorical/functional/performative grammar lessons:

    • Sharks teach grammar

    • Monkeys & Giraffes teach grammar


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